Updating Your Contact Information
Keeping your contact information up to date is important so that your family receives all of the necessary information for programming and events. Much of our important information is dispersed through email and/or text notifications. Without updated contact information in our system, its possible you could be missing updates on class cancellations, weather alerts, registration updates, and more.
Updating Your Primary Email
Updating Your Phone Number for Text Notifications
During Registration
During registration, double-check that your mobile phone number is entered correctly in the 'Mobile Phone' section and your service provider is selected in the 'Mobile Phone Provider' section. These sections should be filled out in both the Participant Contact Info page, as well as the Main Contact section on the Summary page of the Registration Process.
[caption id="attachment_5987" align="alignnone" width="573"]

Participant Contact Info section.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_5988" align="aligncenter" width="573"]

Main Contact section under the Summary page.[/caption]
Before or After Registration
If you need to update your mobile phone number anytime outside of registration, please give our office a call or send us an email with the phone number you would like to change and we will update your information for you.
Office: (817) 420-9370 Email:
[email protected]
My contact info is updated, but I'm still not receiving email/text notifications.
There are a couple reasons you could not be receiving emails or texts from us...
- We use Constant Contact for our email updates and newsletters and sometimes they can be sent to your Junk or Spam folders. Make sure to check these folders and redirect our emails to your primary Inbox if you find them there.
- You may have previously unsubscribed to our Constant Contact emails. Once you unsubscribe, your contact cannot be added to our email list by us, however, if you think you may have unsubscribed, let us know and we will send you a "Resubscribe" email to get you back on the list.
- You may have updated your Home or Office Phone Number instead of your Mobile Phone Number.
- Unfortunately, not all wireless carriers play nice with our current text notification system. If your carrier is updated in your account and you still aren't receiving text message notifications, its possible they do not receive messages in the format that our system sends. In this case, we recommend vigilance in checking emails or giving our offices a call when classes are in question.