Spotlight Story: Hayes & Mr. Hogan

There is a long-tenured history of Mr. Ben Hogan in Fort Worth. He has inspired so many young men and women through his perseverance and ability to never give up. He particularly inspired one young man in our First Tee chapter, Hayes Richardson. Hayes has been a participant with us since he was 6 years old and has heard the story of Mr. Hogan many times while attending classes with us. Hayes took it upon himself to write a book report on Mr. Hogan. 

Hayes has an outstanding record in school and loves to participate in every class he is a part of. His coaches can’t say enough nice things about him. Hayes, like Mr. Hogan, inspires others while he is in a class by encouraging them even when things might not go his way.

“I have never seen a time when Hayes doesn’t have a smile on his face” – Coach Travis

Hayes is a great role model for kids his own age, he sets the standard for every class he is in and others follow! Hayes even sometimes teaches his coaches more than we can teach him!

Written by: Coach Travis Jones